Jag finns numer på


men denna blogg finns kvar av historiska skäl.


GAX 100 is coming

It feels terrible thinking about the distance I have to run, walk, and crawl in less than a week.

To be more exact 11 days to go before the hardest challenge I ever have met will start - the GAX 100.

100 miles is not far - it's beyond far - it's ultra far.

Now my feet are hurting, my legs ar stiff, my knees are crooked, my eyes are dim, my mind is weak, but...

I will start and I will try because the only failure is to not face the starting line and...

All I have to do is not give up.

How fast and how far I go doesn't matter. I will be out there running, walking, crawling, laying, sleeping, eating or even doing cartweels across the floor for 32 hours until the cut-off-signal echoes over the plains of Scania.



AnonymousCoward said...

Is there going to be live blogging as usual? Å lôcka té!


Calle Robertsson said...

Yes, going live saturday 08:00.